Internship FAQs

Got a question you want answered about internships? Tweet your question to @myinterninglife

Q: How do I get an internship?

A: Our contributor Stephanie Hume wrote this helpful article.

Q: How do I ace my internship?

A: Gabrielle Tozer offers some advice with 5 ways to nail your internship.

Q: Where do I start when writing a cover letter?

A: We’ve got you covered with our tips on writing a cover letter.

Q: I want to be a sports journalist, where can I get published? 

A: Aubrey wrote this article about her process getting published online.

Q: What are my rights as an intern?

A: The Fairwork Ombudsman provide these guidelines for interns.

Q: What are some tips for interns? 

A: Glad you asked! Read advice from a PR pro and a footy digi guy and Angie Bradbury from Dig & Fish shares her Top 5 Tips for interns.

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